Experience of 25+ years


Karan Astrologer is serving people since  last 25  years and have solved numerous problems in relation to Love Life, Business, Marriage, Vastu etc. Around 10,000+Plus people have consulted us and attained a peaceful lifes.

Philosophy of Panditji:
Every human is a blessing to the world by God and Happiness is the breath of a human so to resolve any problem Call Now +91 9879411629 | +91 9825506618

Legal disclaimer : Results cannot be guaranteed, it depends on Individual to Individual and do not use any guarantee statements in that.


teMy family was strictly against my love marriage. They do not want me to do love marriage. But I do not want to lose my love and thus I was confused between family and love. Then I have read about KARAN ASTROLOGER, I discussed my problem with her and I get the solution of my problem very soon. Her remedies make me to agree family for love marriage and now all are happy with my marriage.

– Helly Patel


I was preparing for a competition exam and always give my best in those but I was not able to clear that exam. It was really disappointing for me as my hard work does not pay anything to me. Then I have consulted KARAN ASTROLOGER. He understands my problem after reading horoscope. He gave me some astrological remedies and I have performed that continuously and after that I again gave the exam and this time a cleared that.

– Kartik